Have Your Say!
Tallangatta Health Service recognises the importance of patients, clients, residents and their carers and or significant others providing feedback and to actively express their concerns or dissatisfaction about the care and services they receive from THS.
Any THS staff member is able to receive informal (verbal) and formal (written) feedback and complaints. All informal feedback and complaints that cannot be fully addressed at the level they are received will be directed to higher levels of the organisation. The management of formal or serious complaints will be overseen by at least one member of the Executive team.
No individual or group of individuals will experience any discrimination, or prejudice in their present and future care at THS, due to the provision of feedback or the making of a complaint.
The rights to privacy and confidentiality of all parties affected by a complaint will be upheld at all times. Feedback and complaints may be provided anonymously, however anonymity may limit the level of response that will be possible and appropriate.
- By speaking to a member of Tallangatta Health Service. This is the best way to have a minor issue or need addressed and resolved immediately.
- Talk to the Nurse Unit Manager at the time or make an appointment for a more convenient time.
- Talk to a unit manager or executive staff by telephone, email or by appointment.
- By completing a feedback form available at any office to submit a compliment, a suggestion or a complaint.
- By completing our online feedback form.
- By writing to the Chief Executive Officer and sending to:
C/O Tallangatta Health Service
25 Barree Street Tallangatta 3700 VIC
Feedback and Enquiries
If you have concerns about your care, or the care of your family member, please contact us to try to resolve the issue with us directly.
If your concern is not resolved to your satisfaction, an external agency may be able to provide further independent assistance.
Please use the form provided if you wish to make a general enquiry.
External Contacts
- Health Complaints Commissioner
1300 582 113
- Federal Information & Privacy Commissioner
1300 363 992
- Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
1800 951 822
Online Feedback & Enquiry Form
If you prefer you can contact the Regional Disability Advocacy Service (RDAS) for support and assistance with providing feedback on the services you have received.
RDAS can provide information and support to help you do this including, knowing about your rights, helping to find forms you may need and finding a suitable support service.
Please contact RDAS on:
Wodonga (Head Office)
132 Melbourne Road Wodonga, VIC 3690
02 6056 2420
Older Persons Advocacy Network’s free services support older people and their representatives to address issues related to Commonwealth funded aged care services.
Older Persons Advocacy Network is funded by the Australian Government to deliver the National Aged Care Advocacy Program (NACAP). OPAN aims to provide a national voice for aged care advocacy and promote excellence and national consistency in the delivery of advocacy services under the Program.
Phone: 1800 700 600
Interpreter: 131 450
National Relay Service: 133 677
What Happens to the Record of Your Complaint/Compliment?
A complaint register is maintained at THS. This includes a record of the complaint/compliment, discussions with the complainant, results of investigations and the outcomes. This record is kept and treated with strict confidentiality. Learn more- link to privacy and confidentiality statement section 8 in about us) A summary of compliments/complaints is provided to the Board.
Links & Resources
If you prefer you can also contact external agencies regarding your feedback/concerns. Contact details are provided below:
Aged Care Complaints Commissioner
Free Call: 1800 550 552
GPO Box 9848 Melbourne VIC 3001
Elders Rights Advocacy (Victoria)
Level 4, 140 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Toll Free: 1800 700 600
03 9602 3066
Health Services Commissioner
Toll Free: 1300 582 113
Complaints Information & Privacy
Fax: 03 9032 3111
Health Services Commissioner
Level 26 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
National Disability Insurance Scheme – Quality and Safe Guards Commission
1800 035 554
Need Help Understanding?

Do you need an interpreter?
If you need an interpreter, you can:
- When making an appointment with Tallangatta Health Service, let our staff know that you will need an Interpreter and what language you speak.
- Let the staff member know when you make an appointment.
- Visit www.multicultural.vic.gov.au
and print out an interpreter card in your language to show the staff member.
Telephone Interpreter Services
Victorian Interpreting & Translating Service (VITS)
FREE Service
As we receive funding from the Victorian Government we receive credit to access this service for free.
Access Details
PIN: 35116
Password: 2739
Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS)
FEE for service (RDAS needs to pay for this service)
- Automated service Call 1800 131 450
- www.languageloop.com.au
Automated service Call 1800 131 450.
Learn more
Immediate Telephone Interpreting calling 131 450.
Read more
Pre Book telephone Interpreting
Pre-book form
Onsite site bookings
Read more
Access Details
Agency Registration Number C986278
Registration Pin: 634841
PIN: 3690
Wagga Wagga
Registration Pin: 634852
National Relay Service
To communicate with people who have voice and speech disability. There are a number of ways the National Relay Service can assist with communication
- TTY/voice calls 133 677
- Speak & Listen 1300 555 727
- SMS relay 0423 677 767
Auslan Interpreter Services
Auslan Services are a national provider of Auslan Interpreters.
Services available include:
Face to Face Interpreting
Auslan Interpreters attend your site and interpret in person.
Video Remote Interpreting
Interpreters work from a remote location from anywhere in Australia and interpret over the internet.
Notetakers work with clients who are not able to take notes for themselves. Notetakers are an excellent resource for deaf students attending university/TAFE, meetings etc.
Ways to book an Auslan interpreter
- 1300 287 526
- www.auslanservoces.com
- 0409 143 980 (SMS only)
- 03 9439 1983 (Fax)