02 6071 5200

Allied Health Services

Tallangatta Health Service provides a range of allied health services to our community.

Allied Health professionals aim to prevent, diagnose and treat a range of conditions and illnesses and often work within a multidisciplinary health team to provide the best consumer outcomes. Our Allied Health Service is a supportive and integrated therapy team with highly qualified and experienced team members who have both extensive training and personal experience to help on your journey.

Social Worker


Occupational Therapist



Physiotherapy is available to provide advice, treatment, education and support on a variety of health issues including, health and wellbeing, managing chronic conditions, physical activity and healthy lifestyles, strength training exercise programs, falls prevention, pain management, mobility problems and rehabilitation following surgery.

Inpatient & Outpatient Services Provided by Physiotherapist
Physiotherapy is available to Tallangatta residents and the surrounding communities.

Physiotherapy provides advice and information:

A referral from your doctor is recommended. All clients wishing to use government subsidised services under Medicare, Veterans Affairs or third party insurance claims are required to have a referral. The service is available to all members of the community.

Community/Outpatient Physiotherapy

Community Physiotherapy is available at Tallangatta Health Service which offers treatments for acute and chronic conditions, pre and post-surgery rehabilitation, exercise classes for strength and balance and mobility assessments.

A referral from your doctor is recommended. All clients wishing to use government subsidised services under Medicare, Veterans Affairs or third party insurance claims are required to have a referral. The service is available to all members of the community.


New appointments can be made by phoning the Intake Officer.

For return appointments please contact main reception on 02 6071 5200.


Podiatrists treat a variety of disorders and can provide advice on the following:

Public Service

The public service is available to frail aged people or those with certain medical conditions or disabilities, which affects their mobility and independence.

Due to limited podiatry sessions, priority is given to those who are at a high risk of foot complications and are financially disadvantaged. It is not available to those with a DVA card or living in a hostel or nursing home.

The clinic is held one Tuesday every 4 weeks, provided by the Rural Allied Health Team podiatrist from Albury Wodonga Health – Wodonga Campus, and is funded by Commonwealth Home Support Program for eligible clients.


You can make an appointment by phoning Reception.

Private Service:
A private podiatry service is available to community members approximately twice per month. If you are interested in accessing this service please contact the podiatrist at Step Up Podiatry on 0499 883 903.

Social Worker

Tallangatta Health Service has a qualified Social Worker available for appointments. This service is available to all members of the community.

Examples of Issues for Referral


You can make an appointment by phoning our Intake Officer or reception.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is available to clients and residents of Tallangatta Health Service, plus members of the Tallangatta community and surrounding regions. The Occupational Therapist is available weekdays by appointment.

An Occupational Therapist works with people of all ages and from all backgrounds, assisting them to maintain or regain independence.

Tasks that people may want to be independent with include paying bills, handling money, using kitchen items, doing up shoe laces, showering, bathroom and toileting tasks, shopping, gardening and safety in the home.


A referral can be obtained from your Doctor or you can make an appointment by phoning reception.


Services Provided

The dietitian can provide expertise and guidance for ongoing issues relating to food/diet and its role in health. This may include:

Nutritionally managing certain conditions, such as:

Medical referral is preferred in these cases.

Our dietitian may be accessed by community members of all ages from Tallangatta and surrounding areas.


You can make an appointment by phoning our Intake Officer or reception.

Fitness Programs

The aim of our Fitness Programs is to provide a variety of enjoyable exercise sessions for older adults from the community and surrounding area.

Benefits of Exercise

Reduces incidence of falls and fall related injuries, lessons Arthritis pain, improves bone density in people with Osteoporosis, is effective in improving glycaemic control in patients with Type 2 Diabetes, improves social life and helps maintain independence, acts as an antidepressant in depressed people and improves mood and anxiety.

Exercise Groups

Participants require a medical clearance before attending, if over 50 years of age. Forms available on request.
Transport maybe available.
Gentle strength, aerobic and balance training.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi facilitates the flow of “qi” through your body. Qi is the life energy that circulates throughout the body, performing many functions to maintain good health. Practicing Tai Chi helps to strengthen your “qi”, therefore improving your health.


You can make an appointment by phoning our Intake Officer or reception.

District Nursing

Learn more about our District Nursing services.

Learn more