02 6071 5200

Residential Aged Care Services

Our Residential Aged Care facilities (RACFs) are accredited with the Australian Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) in accordance with the Commonwealth of Australia Aged Care Act 1997 and both Bolga Court Hostel and Lakeview Nursing Home have been granted three years accreditation.

Periodic support site visits are conducted by the ACQSC during the period of accreditation to determine that the 44 standards are being met and that quality care and services are continuing to be provided to the Residents of Lakeview Nursing Home and Bolga Court.

Your entry requirements into Residential Aged Care: Permanent or Respite.

Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS)

If you or the person requiring care are considering permanent or respite care in our RACFS you must have an assessment performed by the Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS).

You can be referred to this service by your local doctor. Aged Care Assessment Services (ACAS) are independent teams who assist older people and their carers to identify what kind of care will best meet their needs.

Assessment teams are multi-disciplinary and can include health professionals such as medical officers, social workers, nurses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists.

They conduct comprehensive assessments for people needing community services or aged care residential services.
On completion of the ACAS assessment an appointment can be made with a staff member at the Health Service to discuss your needs.

All financial information and entry requirements can be discussed with the facility finance manager. This will include:

If you require an Information Pack or further information, please contact reception 02 6071 5200.

For more information please vist, or phone Tallangatta Health Service on 02 6071 5200


Information Pack Booklet
Residential Aged Care