02 6071 5200

Tallangatta Health Medical Centre

The Tallangatta Medical Centre is accredited under the Royal Australian College of General Practice Standards for General Practices.

The centre is co-located at the Tallangatta Health Service site. Parking is available in the centre car park at the front of the Medical Centre or on Barree Street. Disabled parking is available in front of the Medical Centre entrance.

Tallangatta Medical Centre - Brochure

Communication & Privacy Statement

Tallangatta Medical Centre & GP Referrals

Due to the NBN upgrade, Tallangatta Health Service will no longer send or receive faxes from 2 May 2022. LiquidFiles is our new method for sending / receiving health information moving forward.

Contact Us

Our Team

The team at the Medical Centre are employed by Tallangatta Health Service (THS) and consists of Doctors, Practice Manager, Practice Nurse, Diabetes Educator, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner and Reception staff.

Our practitioners include:

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 1.30pm and 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Appointments are necessary and can be made by telephoning 02 6071 5270.

Regular appointment times are 15 minutes. If you feel you need longer please discuss with the receptionist at time of booking.

Appointments for health assessments, complex medical problems or removal of lesions all require extra time.

After Hours

Tallangatta Medical Centre is not able to provide a scheduled after hours service. Patients are requested to ring 000 in an emergency. The nearest staffed Emergency Department is at Albury Wodonga Heath - Wodonga Campus, Vermont Street Wodonga, a 45km drive from Tallangatta.

Albury Wodonga Health – Wodonga Campus Emergency Department contact number: 02 6051 7350

Alternative after hours services:

Make an Appointment

Use the booking system below to choose your doctor and make an appointment.


A pathology service provided by Dorevitch Pathology is also available from the Medical Centre each week day from 8.30am to 12.30pm.

You must have your request form when attending the service. No appointment needed.

Woman's Health Nurse Practitioner

Our Women's Health Nurse Practitioner is an experienced Registered Nurse with post graduate qualifications in sexual and reproductive health.

Services Provided by Women's Health Nurses
Who Should Attend?

Clinics are for all ages. Adolescents are particularly welcome.


The Tallangatta Women's Nurse Practitioner Service is bulk billed. Please bring your Medicare card or number for our records.

Clinic Locations

Individual appointments are available on request.

Mitta Mitta
At the Maternal Child Health Centre, Mitta Mitta.

At the Maternal Child Health Centre at the Bellbridge Community Centre, Bellbridge.


For clinic times and appointment bookings please phone Tallangatta Medical Centre.

Diabetes Educator

Tallangatta Health Service understands the importance of comprehensive diabetes management and therefore provides the opportunity for people in the community with diabetes to have regular assessments and reviews by a General Practitioner.

Diabetes Care Made Simple

  • Waist Measurement and Weight Check
    3 monthly - Excess body fat, especially around the waist stops insulin from working effectively and increases the risk of heart disease.
  • Blood Pressure check
    At every visit - Tight blood pressure control helps prevent heart attack, stroke, eye and kidney damage.
  • HbA1c Check
    3-6 monthly if on insulin 
    6-12 monthly if not on insulin
    Tight blood glucose control reduces the risk of eye, kidney and nerve damage
  • Feet Examination Check
    6 monthly for pulses, sensation and pressure spots - Poor circulation (pulse), loss of feeling (sensation) and pressure spots may lead to foot ulcers, gangrene or amputation.
  • Kidney Function Check
    Type 1– 5 years following diagnosis and then annually 
    Type 2– at diagnosis and then annually
    Small amounts of protein (albumin) in the urine indicate early kidney damage that can be treated.
  • Blood Lipids Check
    Annually - Too much blood fat can cause fatty deposits in artery walls and lead to heart attack and stroke.
  • Eye Examination Check
    At diagnosis if diagnosis is after 30 years of age 
    5 years after diagnosis if diagnosis is made under 30 years of age and than at least bi annually
    Untreated changes to the retina can cause loss of eyesight.
Who Should Attend Clinics?

Clinics are for people with type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes or impaired Glucose Tolerance. People who would like to be screened for diabetes are most welcome.


Visits to the Diabetes educator are bulk billed. Please bring your Medicare card for the GP consultation.

Clinic Dates and Times

Every second Tuesday - 9.00am to 5.00pm


Appointments can be made by phoning Tallangatta Medical Centre Reception.

Frequently Asked Questions